Introduction Martin Siedow

Live forum:

Martin Siedow

15-07-2003 13:12:40

since I don´t know what will happen to my original Introduction in the old Thorn Valley Forum I repeat it here:
My real name is also Martin Siedow
I am 35 Years old
I live (and was born) in Berlin, Germany
I have seen the german version of "The Secret of NIMH" ("Mrs. Brisby und das Geheimnis von NIMH") when it was released in 1982 and I immediately became a great fan of the movie and Mrs. Brisby. In 1987 I read the german translation of Robert C. O´Briens "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH" (the book on which the movie was based) and immediately became a great fan of the book and Timothy. In 2002 I saw the original version of "The Secret of NIMH" and think that it is even better than the german Version that I admired all the years before. In the last 21 years my appreciation for "The Secret of NIMH" never changed.
Currently I´m most of the time occupied with my job as a database programmer for a small company.
My other interests are the history of the world, railways, paper & pen roleplaying, bicycling, photography, John Ronald Reuel Tolkiens works, Star Wars books and comics and political/military simulations (like Sid Meyers Civilization, Avalon Hills Civilization, Battle Isle and Age of Empires)
Other movies that I greatly admire:
- Felidae
- Watership Down
- The Rescuers
- Star Trek 6 - The undiscovered Country
- Gattaca
- Terminator 2 - Judgment Day
- The Matrix
- Equilibrium
- Once upon a Time in the West
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- For some Dollars more
- The Sixth Sense
- A Christmas Carol (with real Actors)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship


21-05-2006 19:26:40

Welcome to the Forum Martin Siedow! I'm glad to see you join the Thorn Valley Forums. :)


22-05-2006 08:19:59

welcome to the forume