New NIMH Site and a Status update

Live forum:


08-01-2004 10:10:45

Yeah, I know what you're thinking: this slacker hasn't bothered to update his site since July. There are a few reasons for this, though: college and work take up most of my time. And other priorities always tend to take the front burner for the rest of my available time.

However, there is one reason for the lack of updates that is sure to please the NIMHfan crowd.

I have been helping Marcus Lindemann (a very prolific NIMH fan-artist; you can see examples of his work in the Fan Art Gallery[=]Fan Art Gallery) with his website - NIMH: The Final Experiment[=]NIMH: The Final Experiment. Its main feature is an incredibly well-done illustrated fan-fiction story (a work in progress). I encourage all of you to check it out and see the fruits of our hard work over the past few months.

As far as this site goes, I have updated a few of the links, and fixed a couple of broken links within the site, along with some other housekeeping stuff. Some new fan art has been posted since July as well; see the other announcements in this section for details.

Since school is starting up again for me Real Soon Now, I'm not sure how much time I'll have to continue updating things here; however, I will be posting any new fan art I receive to the Fan-Art gallery. Check the announcements section of the forum for updates.

Anyway, I think that's it for this update. Thanks for visiting Thorn Valley!