Eeek-a-Mouse (Continued)

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03-01-2011 03:51:11

This is somewhat related to an older thread that I started, hence the title. You see, yesterday as I was sitting at the kitchen table reading the morning newspaper, I was suddenly aware of a faint rustling coming from a plastic shopping bag filled with packages of granola bars, apple sauce, and other food items. I'll admit that my first emotion/reaction was one of fear. After all, one cannot be too careful especially when the source of said rustling was not known at the time. However upon closer inspection, I was able to ascertain the cause of the commotion. A baby mouse (At least I think it was a baby) got into the bag via a hole he gnawed and was having a field day with the foodstuff inside the bag. Taking pity on the small hapless creature I nevertheless cornered, but did not kill the interloper, but instead released him outside. It was while I was holding him in my gloved hand that I was struck by the miracle of this tiny thing that seems so frail and delicate (I could of crushed him in my hand and I doubt that he would have made any more of a mess than a cockroach that's squished), yet he is tough enough to survive, indeed even thrive despite the harsh reality that nature along with man have imposed upon him. My only wish for him is that he continues to do well and that he does not make the mistake of invading another apartment. The residents of the next domicile he comes across might not be as forgiving as I.

Peace :)


16-01-2011 08:58:42

That's a beautiful way of looking at it, you certainly have a way with words and a heart of gold.


16-01-2011 19:02:16

I have to deal with the mice that live in the Mojave Desert getting in to my house, I trap them when I can and take them far in to the desert and let them go to live out their lives.