Mrs. Brisby vs. The Sins

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08-10-2007 08:36:36

There was an artist on the gallery that depicted Mrs. Brisby as a darker character. I thought the idea of depicting a protagonist being dark is an interesting idea.

I want to ask your opinion.

If Mrs. Brisby were to be depicted as one of the Seven Deadly Sins, which one do you think would be most interesting? If I have the guts to which I may not for various reasons which I will not go into, I might even try drawing it.
(By the way, for again, various reasons I have a major interest in the sins).

Here are the sins if you don't know them yet.

Envy (Jealousy)
Gluttony (Obsessive/ Extreme Consumption)
Sloth (Lazyness)
Wrath (Extreme Anger)

I'd like to know why you think so too.


08-10-2007 15:01:05

I'd pick sloth out of sheer irony. In the movie and the book she is willing to do anything to save Timothy.
Since you're making her total opposite, may as well make her other part as opposite as possible, if you know what I mean.


08-10-2007 15:27:21

I wish I had more time to give a proper reply, but I think you could make a case for any of the sins with a good story behind it to justify it. Might be interesting. Though if we're going for something that doesn't need a lot of backstory/explanation, I think I'd agree most with Sloth just because it's so opposite her character. I could also see Envy, Lust and Wrath being high up there, but I don't have enough time to go into details on the why.

I'll be interested to see what other people put up. It'd make a good "Halloween" topic. ;)


08-10-2007 16:57:32

Mrs. Brisby is so opposite any of these sins. Like Simon stated in his reply one would need more time to go into details to build up a story behind any particular choice. However, if I were to depict her alter ego so to speck, I think that I would choose Wrath. Especially when it comes to avenging the death of her husband Jonothan at the hands (or paws if you will) of Dragon.

Peace :)


09-10-2007 06:13:33

I find the answer "sloth" rather interesting 'cause it was my choice but for different reasons which is hard to explain if you don't know my side of the story.

I actually thought greed would be a popular answer because I thought that would make much sense if we pay attention to the movie as a whole rather than simply Mrs. Brisby.

I say this because in constrast to Mrs. B, the antagonist of the film: Jenner's character mainly revolves around "Greed".

If I were to choose sloth though, I'm currently thinking of ideas. My idea was to use key items that reflect Mrs. Brisby's deligence (which btw is the Holy Virtue that "fights" sloth), and use them in a way that would contradict her acts in the film. The stone is an obvious one, but others include (chronologically), the envelope with Timmy's medicine, the Tractor, The Drug for Dragon (which reminded me recently of how much I hate the Fitzgibbons and Dragon for their ignorance to the world that is going on in their home :evil:), and the birdcage.
Another idea which I might weave into the one above is Mrs. Brisby being tangled up in string, but not in the comical way Jeremy was. More like being caught and trapped by the sin itself.

Wrath, I'd say would be a shattered portrait of all of the things she possibly would have a grudge towards if I borrow NIMHmaniac's idea. (But for this I'm also inspired by a number of things which I won't be specific about. I feel more confortable just mentioning the fact :P.) These include, Dragon, the Tractor, Billy (for catching her at the worst timing), Jenner, and if I were to emphasize the sin to an extreme, possibly Jonathan himself.

For Simon's ideas of Envy and Lust, I'd really like to know Simon's reasons behind them. So Simon if you have the time, I'm really curious.

Although for some reason this idea breaks my heart, I guess envy could revolve around the differences between her and the others. I mean now that I think about it in many different aspects she's different from her whole family. I guess making that idea something for Mrs. B to be envious about might be interesting. Although in a way I kinda want to keep envy as Martin (NIMH 2)'s thing :P.

Lust, well I probably shouldn't go into detail, but the debate between NIMH fans of Mrs. B and Justin's relationship can come here.

I think the most difficult sin for Mrs. Brisby would be Gluttony. Irony can justify depictions for the other sins, but an image of Mrs. Brisby facing obsessive consumption just totally tears apart her image. Plus gluttony seems to be too much of a "comical" sin that isn't really what I want to do :P

Greed and Pride would simply revolve around the stone. The feeling of greed can be done in some way that reflects to Jenner's need for the stone (possibly a twist that could occur if she decides to keep the stone instead of giving it to Justin), or she could have a sense of pride for being the only one that was able to awaken the stone's power.

Well here are my ideas. What do you think? :)


11-10-2007 06:34:20

There is one that does somewhat strike me, but it isn't too big of an issue with Mrs. Brisby. Perhaps Greed.

The only way I see Mrs. Brisby as being greedy is concerning Jonathan Brisby. Remember the Shrew got onto her about wishing he were still alive? ;)