The Future of The Children.

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28-07-2004 15:23:51


I was thinking of ideas for my Fan-Fiction (as usual) when it accured to me that this question would be a great forum post: "In your minds what would the future hold for the Brisby Kids?"

Now for some of you who may be thinking of your own Fan-Fics you may not want to reveal what you think at the moment for obvious rasons. I was just curious as to what people thought about the "Bris-kids" futre love life, occupation or education ir example.

So what do you guys think?

"May the leaves of your life tree never turn brown"-LOTR Elvish phrase.

Martin Siedow

09-08-2004 12:59:34

My thoughts about the Brisby Children seldom leaves their childhood phase. My picture for their future is that Timothy and Cynthia will have an magic/mystic occupation while Teresa and Martin will have more mundane career paths. I have not thought about something specific and leave that to others.


14-08-2004 13:47:16

That is one of the BIG questions I have always wondered about and am tackling partially with my story that Simon is graciously hosting on his site.

I can't give away what I have planned for the Brisby Children apart from what is already posted because I don't want to give away the surprise.




14-08-2004 15:41:56

This is what I have typically pictured.

Martin becomes a family mouse and something of a protector to the mice in woodlands near the farm.

Timothy takes after Nicodemus becoming a wizard of sorts. He stays in Thorn Valley as a teacher and leader.

Cynthia remains carefree though becomes well spoken and a bit of a historian. She tends to roam the most of all the children.

Teresa I've never really come to a firm conclusion with. I see her as becoming a mother most likely and eventually bringing her family to Thorn Valley so they can be properly educated but this really hasn't gelled in my mind completely.


21-08-2004 14:46:35


Just wanted to say thanx for all the imput so far!

Interesting how some people seem to think that Timmothy would have a "Mystic" future whereas the future of the others is just ...normal.

Still to each his own.


David Leemhuis

28-11-2011 20:04:35

An ancienter topic! Oddly, even in my original set of fan-fics (the “First-Tier” stories) I tended to play down what professions the kids go into, even though the stories stretch some three to four years into the future. I don’t intend to overlook this detail in my current rewrites, so here’s what I think so far

I’ve established that Martin has an exceptional tracking ability, so I can see him joining the Guard, especially taking part in or even leading search-and-rescue operations.

Teresa I already had becoming a wife and mother, but a career in education, as she was starting to get into in the Gibbs stories, seems likely to me.

I can see Cynthia choosing a career in natural sciences, maybe apprenticing to Mr. Ages, with the emphasis on pharmacy, developing herbal remedies and such, similar to Marcus Lindemann’s version.

Timothy I see becoming something of a bureaucrat, much like the Silva version; though I see the heavy human-style bureaucracy, as we know it, as being largely nonexistent in T.V. politics. But that’s a whole other discussion.


28-11-2011 20:49:28

Oooh fun!

Timothy-Well being a hypochondriac, he would, in my opinion, be the one going into medicine and making herbal remedies. He would invent useful ways to combat illnesses. His caring and loving personality would also make him a great father. He would also be interested in music and the arts, which is something Gibbs and I agree on.

Martin- I can see him as an over-protective father, you know the kind. The kind that assumes that every boy dating his daughter is a sex criminal that only wants his daughter for the old in-out-in-out. Other than than I see him as more of a builder/repairer. Maybe he can run his own little private business in the valley. He seems like the type to be an entrepreneur. I can imagine sports being a hobby of his.

Teresa- I'm with Grandpa Leemy here: a mother and a cook suits her well, with a career in education.

Cynthia-I can see her as an organizer of sorts, maybe inventory, maybe a bureaucrat. I can totally see her becoming the Sarah Palin of Thorn Valley- cute, but not very bright. Dancing would be a hobby of hers.

Pennsylvania Jones

29-11-2011 09:47:34


I'll do mine in age order:

Teresa - Her Mother's Helper. (As evidenced by the end of the movie, she helps put bandages on her mother's hands)

Martin - A General in the Thorn Valley Army and Husband to Breta. (As per the story I'm working on, The War Of Thorn Valley. Dammit, now I guess I have to have them move to Thorn Valley in the end. :x)

Timothy - Wielder of the Stone. (As he was in Secret of the Stone)

Cynthia - Hmmm... I can't really see Cynthia doing anything! In the given timeframe of the official canon, she's too young to know what her calling is. Then again, she's seen wearing overalls in TttR, so I guess she becomes a carpenter. :P



29-11-2011 22:02:29

I'll throw my two cents in, but I don't think it's terribly original. Or maybe I'm just being intellectually lazy.

Teresa: An educator perhaps. Something to do with children. Maybe, eventually, a child psychologist? How about an author? Or a poet? She could put on Thorn Valleys first poetry slam.

Martin: Probably a stint with the guard. Being the oldest son probably a real "head of household" kinda guy. I can see him being an over bering/protective father. But probably a kid at heart kinda thing going on too. He would love spending time with his kids, especially when they're young. (Arrested development from his own father dying when he was young?)

Timothy: I see Tim becoming a philosopher. Something the rats will need as they carve their niche in the world. And should probably become the stone bearer.

Cynthia: Dance instructor. Ballet dancer? Choreographer? Something in the theater.

Pennsylvania Jones

30-11-2011 07:55:57

I'll throw my two cents in, but I don't think it's terribly original. Or maybe I'm just being intellectually lazy.

Teresa: An educator perhaps. Something to do with children. Maybe, eventually, a child psychologist? How about an author? Or a poet? She could put on Thorn Valleys first poetry slam.

Martin: Probably a stint with the guard. Being the oldest son probably a real "head of household" kinda guy. I can see him being an over bering/protective father. But probably a kid at heart kinda thing going on too. He would love spending time with his kids, especially when they're young. (Arrested development from his own father dying when he was young?)

Timothy: I see Tim becoming a philosopher. Something the rats will need as they carve their niche in the world. And should probably become the stone bearer.

Cynthia: Dance instructor. Ballet dancer? Choreographer? Something in the theater.

Well, your career path for Cynthia is certainly better than mine. ;) A career in the arts would certainly suit her better than carpentry. So, would you mind sharing what inspired these choices?



30-11-2011 13:25:16

I don't mind at all, though like I said most of it is not original.

Teresa: Being the oldest would naturally give her a parental mindset. Evan though Mrs. & Mr. B didn't have jobs to go to (per say), she would still have had to watch over her siblings often. I always thought of Teresa as the most practically intelligent of the children, so maybe being a teacher makes more sense (plus that's what Gibbs wrote her as, duh lol). The child psychology thing, I don't know, made sense when I wrote it down. The author and poet bit I think just kinda go hand in hand with being a teacher. Plus I like poetry, so the thought of a Brisby being a poet is cool. And while I don't think she would have "daddy issues" I do believe it would take a special guy to catch her attention.

Martin: I probably put the least amount of thought into him. I think he would have a (self imposed) feeling of being man of the house. If I had to pick one word to describe Martin it would be: takesnocrap. This and everything else I said in my other post.

Timothy: While I think Teresa is the most practically intelligent of the children, Tim is the most theoretically intelligent. That is, he can grasp abstract thoughts with ease. Timothy would be just at ease talking about string theory as he would be Nietzsche. (Übermaus anyone? lol)

Cynthia: The book says she's overly fond of dancing, so I was just playing off that. Of course I like the medical angle too, a la Gibbs. Though I think something in the arts is more suitable. With that being said, I also think her father dying at such a young age (remember Cynthia would have been really young when Jonathan died) could have a very negative influence on her. That is, falling for any boy who made her feel "special".


30-11-2011 14:04:56

Teresa taking a career in psychology makes sense to me. The rats are going to need a psychologist eventually as the population grows and mental health becomes an issue. See can be a novelist on the side.

If the rats had electricity, Martin would form Thorn Valley's first heavy metal band. It will be called "The Loudmouth Bossy Bullfrogs."

Timothy and philosophy makes sense to me, the rats will need to figure their sense of place in the world.

David Leemhuis

03-12-2011 21:25:12

As Slappy Squirrel would put it, I got your Grandpa Leemy right here… wink

I think the tricky thing about mapping out Cynthia and Timothy’s future is that they’re essentially blank slates in the movie. Cynthia is the tagalong kid sister saying cute things like “the poor turkey fell down,” and Timothy uses his one line complaining about being confined to his sickbed.

Regarding Cynthia, I think some fan-fic writers, especially Gibbs and Silva, had it right when they had others, including her own family, underestimate her as slow or dumb; but once she’s in the right learning environment, she really comes into her own, taking up professions that surprise everyone medicine in the Gibbs version, and a kick-butt guard in the Silva version.

As for Timothy, he’s much more developed in the book, and I and others have taken our cues from there his close bond with Cynthia, his calmness about his situation, his insights, etc. The positive-outcome intuition I gave him came directly from that. His overall smarts, I think, make the Silva version, in which he becomes Justin’s second-in-command, the one I agree with the most and closest to my own.