Mixed up quotes

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18-10-2006 20:52:53

Just for fun. I've reversed the words in a few TSON quotes.

"Jeremy, someone strong should be protecting my tractor in case those children start up again."

"I've learned nothing...take what you can, when you can."
"Then you've learned this much."

"Well, Martin, now you've done it."
"It was children."

"The Great Comrade sent me to you."
"Did he? He is a dear owl."

"I'm not a mother! Your turkey..."

"You can bulldoze those rats right out of there, I want that rosebush exterminated."


19-10-2006 08:04:08

Never thought of doing it, but very good work on mixing them up!


19-10-2006 16:48:43

liorange soda spurts out noseli Do you enjoy doing that? So funny, it's crazy. :lol:


20-10-2006 08:10:44

It was fun to do. Most likely I'll post a few more. :D


20-10-2006 17:35:37

Go for it. :wink:


21-10-2006 18:44:56

How's this one:
Auntie Shrew: "That brat is a child."


21-10-2006 21:21:45

Not bad. :D

Here are some more:

"Owls eat dark!"
"Uh...only after mice."

"We have urgent creatures of our own, let the lower problems fend for themselves."

"The Plan, it's falling apart. Hope it stays up there, at least until we're done with the mill."

"Oh, no, Nicodemus! Mrs. Brisby, this is no job for him."

"I came here to inform you that Moving Day is off the ground, and the frost is at hand."


22-10-2006 08:22:39

I love it Slew :D :D ,

I would try to swap words, but I just can`t do it that good ( to old I guess) ,

Anywho I`m ROFLOL :lol:


22-10-2006 16:56:16

I won't ask about ROFLOL. But I will say that I'm not too good at word swapping either. That one was probably the best I could do.


23-10-2006 19:57:06

Cynthia: Oh the poor crow fell down.
Jeremy: I am not a crow!

Martin: This must be the turkey I saw yesterday.
Jeremy: Mmph! I am the turkey you saw!

Mr. Ages: Now what you see is supposed to be absolute secrecy.
Mrs. Brisby: I don't understand.