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Title: CB
Submitter: MrsBrisby
Summary: Grown up Cynthia Brisby with her chosen NIMH amulet (orignally green but changed to orange). I need to brush up on the drawing a bit.
Description: Grown up Cynthia Brisby with her chosen NIMH amulet (orignally green but changed to orange). I need to brush up on the drawing a bit.
Title: LoveWillLast
Submitter: MrsBrisby
Summary: This was fun to draw. Mrs. Brisby and Jonathan holding paws, er, hands, er whatever! Lol, Mrs. Brisby's amulet is the red one. I always pictured Jonathan's amulet to be green.
Description: This was fun to draw. Mrs. Brisby and Jonathan holding paws, er, hands, er whatever! Lol, Mrs. Brisby's amulet is the red one. I always pictured Jonathan's amulet to be green.
Title: MartinBrisby
Submitter: MrsBrisby
Summary: Eh, not the best. Gonna do a remake of this one. Grown up Martin with his blue NIMH amulet.
Description: Eh, not the best. Gonna do a remake of this one. Grown up Martin with his blue NIMH amulet.